Save time with Notix - the most advanced Notion clipper

Capture and Organize Web Content - For Free!
1 Notion workspace
50 Mb storage for your screenshots
Limited to 50 captures per month
Save screenshots to Notion
Define custom properties to pre-fill on Notion pages
Edit the body of pages before sending it to Notion
Most popular
Upgrade Your Notion Workflow with AI-powered Features
per month
yearly subscription
All features in the Free plan
3 Notion workspaces
500 Mb storage for your screenshots
Unlimited captures per month
AI-powered pre-filling of Notion properties based on webpage content
Supercharge Your Productivity with More Storage
per month
yearly subscription
All features in the Basic plan
Unlimited Notion workspaces
5 Gb storage for your screenshots
Priority support from Notix team

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Notix different?
Notix is different from other similar extensions because it uses AI to pre-fill Notion properties based on the content of the webpage you are capturing. This saves you time and effort in manually entering data into your Notion pages. Additionally, Notix offers customizable templates for Notion pages, which allow you to define exactly how you want your pages to look and what data you want to include.
Can I use it for free?
Yes, Notix offers a free plan with limited features and restrictions. With the free plan, you can capture up to 50 items per month and pre-fill Notion properties with scraped content from webpages or with custom-defined properties.
Does this really worth my money?
The value of Notix depends on your specific needs and workflow. If you frequently use Notion and find yourself spending a lot of time manually entering data or organizing your pages, then Notix's advanced features may save you time and effort. With AI-powered pre-filling and customizable templates, Notix can help you optimize your workflow and boost your productivity.
Is my data safe?
Notix takes data privacy and security very seriously. Notix uses Firebase which is certified under major privacy and security standards. Firebase has successfully completed the ISO 27001 and SOC 1, SOC 2, and SOC 3 evaluation process, and some have also completed the ISO 27017 and ISO 27018 certification process.
Where are the screenshots stored?
The screenshots captured with Notix are stored on Firebase Cloud Storage.
Who built this extension?
Notix was developed by me, Sebastian. If you have any questions or feedback for the app, feel free to contact me.
Are you affiliated with Notion?
No, Notix is not affiliated with Notion.

Try Notix for free

First try out everything in your time. You can pay later.
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